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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Learn From Learned Person

Meaning:  According to the line of Rigved 1/90/3, — "Let us learn only from those who are learned and doing good deeds. One should always keep away from men of bad nature. Every man's salvation lies in this only."
Message: In our country, the public has a lot of faith in monks, saints and learned people; therefore, it is also the responsibility of these respected persons to contribute in return for the faith response in them. In the days past, the people of this class used to give the total benefit of their high character, great knowledge and generous spirit of service to the public and used to be so selfless as to leave the worry of food and clothing to God. This class of people used to utilize a part of their time in God's worship, reading scriptures, increasing knowledge and purification of the soul, and spend the greater part of their time in helping the public for progress in material and spiritual life. That itself was the 'rishidharma' or the tradition of the rishis (sages) in doing their duty for the societal uplift. Materially and spiritually. The learned souls and saints used to consider themselves duty-bound for this pious work. The increased willpower and increased power of knowledge was required not for self but for doing maximum important work for public-welfare. A vast army of social workers was available in the form of monks, saints and learned people. People used to venerate such reality useful and generous minded person.
Today the situation has become very hostile. If the ignorant public forget their duties, it may be pardonable, but if the symbol of Nepal's soul, the learned class, strays from the right path, it is indeed unfortunate. The rishis had not established this class to obtain anyhow money and benefits. Today these people are mostly busy in looting the public instead of making available the benefit of their knowledge to the people without any fee. Now they have become arrogant in thinking it as their birth right to rob ignorant people. To grab gratis is a sin greater than stealing.
Of course, we are fortunate that today also there are learned men whose thinking, enthusiasm, worthiness and sense of service are still alive. Only by their good efforts, the ancient glory will be maintained and the people's faith will also be strengthened further. The aim and objective of the life of these learned persons is only one, that is to employ all their worth and capacity for uplifting the thinking of the public and for increasing good activities in the society. This country worn-out, tattered by bad social-customs and immortal and wicked activities requires radical thinking at every step. For that, many efforts, educational, constructive and struggleful, will have to be made. On their basis, concrete and beneficial efforts can be possible for human-welfare.
This work can be carried out by sentimental and learned people only. their conduct must be excellent, they should carry out excellent deeds, and inspire every class of the society to adopt good qualities and trade the path of excellence.

The line of Sanskrit Sloke is —
Te asmabhayum sharma
yansannamrutaa martyebhayaha
baadhamaanaa apa dwishaha. (Rigved 1/90/3)

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