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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Colors in Chakras

Chakras and Nadis form a complete subject, which has been dealt with in detain separately in a mini book of this kind. In this article we wish to talk mainly about the colors the chakras have and their effect on human beings.
The seven chakras are situated in the etheric/causal body along the spinal column of the physical body. They are the vortices of energy, each connected with a specific gland and they can be seen by clairvoyants. The chakras are responsible for nourishing and sustaining the whole body through their regular functioning.
Is it not a pleasant surprise to see the well known seven colors VIBGYOR, which combine to make white light, also representing the seven chakras when seven clairvoyantly?
7    Sahasrara             Crown chakra          Violet.
6   Ajna                      Eyebrow chakra       Indigo.
5   Vishuddhi             Throat chakra           Blue
4    Anahata               Heart chakra            Green
3    Manipur               Solar chakra             Yellow
2    Swadhishthan      Sacral chakra           Orange
1    Mooladhar           Root chakra              Red
A clear and bright primary color in the aura would indicate a well-developed chakra, while a dull and muddy primary color would mean an undeveloped chakra. Undeveloped chakras mean negative traits in the personality and an unbalanced aura. The aura can be balanced to a good extent with the aid of the pendulum. It is like taking the negative karma out and throwing it away, unlike the 'guru' taking the negative karma of his disciples on himself. Let us first describe in brief the attributes of chakras.
Mooladhara or Root Chakra: It is situated slightly inside the perineum, near the midpoint between the anus and the scrotum in the males. it lies on the posterior side of the cervix in the female. The vestigial gland called brahma granthi lies at the root chakra and blocks the energy. Lord Ganesha (who is known as the remover of obstacles and the source of absolute wisdom) is its presiding deity.
When properly developed, mooladhara represents innocence, chastity, and wisdom. It also governs sex and excretion. If undeveloped it represents adultery, perverted sex, pornography lustful attention, materialism, constipation and no interest in spirituality. Chakra balancing can take care of these negative aspects to a large extent.

Swadhishthan or Sacral Chakra: It lies at the base of the spine. It can be felt as a bony bulb just above the anus at the level of the tailbone or coccyx. The Sanskrit word swadhishthan means 'one's own abode'. It relates to the reproductive and urinary systems and corresponds to the prostate gland in men and uteri-vaginal plexus in women. Its presiding deity is Lord Brahma and power is Goddess Saraswati.
When developed, it represents intellectuality, creativity, inspiration, knowledge of beyond and aesthetics. Negatively it means excessive thinking and excessive involvement in artistic things, ego-oriented life, overindulgence in alcohol and drugs, bad eating habits, artificial and crude behavior.

continue in  next article; Colors in Chakras1

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