The root cause of diseases is unmoral diet and an undisciplined mind. Their mixture brings disease and troubles. These troubles cannot be eradicated unless and until the root-cause is alive. The fundamental solution is to change the pattern and proportion of diet to very simple food. Excess of sweets and fats in the diet causes harm as also non-vegetarian food. Non-vegetarian food cannot keep a person healthy, because in reality, it is against man's natural constitution.
New research on brain and mind has changed the entire thinking about health and conclusively shown that a perturbed, worried excited and feeble mind casts its influence on the organ of the body. Careful attention must be paid to our daily diet, and fruits and vegetables must be increased in it. It is sufficient to cook the vegetables by boiling, rather than frying. One must give up undesirable foods and eat less than the demands of hunger. The current trend of seasoning the food with spices and eating rich food is like buying illness at a high price.
Similarly it is necessary to maintain mental stability by resorting to moral living. So not allow lust to take possession of your better self. So not allow your ambition to run riot so that mental balance is lost in merely planning your project. The greed for wealth is such that even Gods have not been able to fulfill this greed. The easiest way to save one's self from disease is to lead a life close to nature and to keep one's mind free from disturbances. A good and healthy attitude is not to give too much importance to illness. Nature is always working for the removal of disease. She does not accept defeat as long as the patient co-operates, even to a small extent. The patient's co-operation should be in the form of patience and keeping a strong mental attitude.
Pain and problem are always connected with an individual. It is not enough to fight against it. He must also learn to bear with the illness with patience. He should also learn to lighten his suffering by diverting his mind into some entertainment. It is also the duty of the family-members and relatives to reassure the patient about the treatment that he is being given proper treatment and will be definitely cured.
Disease is a result of our choosing the wrong path. It can be considered a punishment for going along the wrong path. By behaving in a willful manner and going against the tenets of nature, we have to bear the fruits of our sins in the form of various diseases. Undisciplined and willful behavior against the rules of nature has resulted in the roaring tornado of various illnesses gripping mankind today. Ignoring the signals from one's body and audaciously tinkering with it is resulting in increasing illnesses in th society. Smoking, drinking very hot t ea and coffee, alcohol, aspirin, and increased and indiscriminate use of steroids is also resulting in illnesses.
Illnesses do not come without reason. They are invited by the ignorant and the undisciplined and reside in them as long as accommodation is available. Entertainment is necessary for giving rest and relief to the mind. When taking rest after work it is necessary to relax the body. Likewise during entertainment the mind relaxes because it is freed from tension. One can relax even without entertainment but that requires efforts. This is possible only for people continuously practicing high level yogic (Mental) attainments. For the common man, relief for the tired mind is possible only by entertainment because it diverts the mind's attention to a lighter plane.
Just as rest is necessary for the body, similarly entertainment is necessary for the total development of the individual. Like education, health, social interactions and proper atmosphere, entertainment too, must be pure and wholesome, because it cheers up the mind, creates new interest in living and recharges the mind with energy.
Every activity should be mixed with proper positive feelings. Meals should be eaten as an offering from God. Instead of tasting unwanted food and leaving it as it is on the plate, it should be removed to another clean plate so others can use it. If the food plate is not to our taste, we should not express displeasure or anger. A meal taken in an atmosphere of displeasure becomes harmful, whereas even a meager meal taken cheerfully makes it nourishing and healthy. One quarter of all illnesses in this world are because of improper digestion
It is the duty of every thinking individual, to make his body healthy, and capable for long life. Everyone wants all this but their life-style and food habits are exactly in the opposite direction. This causes incalculable harm to one's own body, destruction of health, pain and even untimely and painful death.
It is ot at all difficult to remain healthy and capable. This is achievable by living in tune with nature. What is proper and improper is indicated by machines in the form of body's organs. Their deranged function alerts us for taking proper measures. Proper health is achieved by disciplined living within the limits set up by nature.
It is an absolutely wrong belief that eating more food gives more strength. Only proper digestion of food will result in strength. Actually over-eating burdens the digestive system and causes harm instead of giving strength. One should eat only after the earlier meal has been digested, the stomach is empty and one feels really hungry. If that does not happen, one should be satisfied with one meal only and avoid a second meal. If one wants to mend a weak digestive system to bring it to normal, the time between two meals must be prolonged. Instead of taking medicines for digestion, it is better to fact or eat once a day until returning to normal. This prevents the waste of food as well as digestive-juices.
Laziness is a bad habit which makes the body lazy and affects the mind. The lazy mind affects starts roaming in the wrong direction, justifying the saying, "an idle mind is the devil's workshop". The idle person then starts indulging in such time wasting pastimes as card-games, ludo and chess. He starts looking out for similar company or even entices the gullible ones.
As long as people are engaged in service, business or some gainful activity, their health remains good, but no sooner they retire, their rosy imaginations of a "peaceful and happy life" disappear. It is extremely important to understand that if one takes interest in any work, it does not remain mere work, but a fun-giving activity.
There is a custom in many part of Nepal that people press you to eat more food to express their love for you. In such a situation, one must politely and firmly say "no" to such instance. Many people overeat because of their greed for tasty food and then suffer also.
One does not become weak because of reducing the food intake. With over eating, one becomes a victim of indigestion and the digestive system becomes weaker and weaker with continued overeating. Compared to the number of people dying from hunger, double the number doe from over-eating. Man is attacked by external micro-organisms and also affected by changes in the weather resulting in lower body-resistance. There may also be other reasons for lowering the body-resistance. But the most prominent cause is over-indulgence in food.
People working only with their brains and running away from physical work usually do not have proper health. Actually every limb and organ of the body must get due exercise to maintain its normal activity and firmness. Those who do not have the practice of hard physical work or do not get such an opportunity, pay a heavy price for laziness and weaken the body's constitution.
One must always take deep breaths for maintaining the dynamic activity of the lungs and help the body to get its proper supply of oxygen. A large part of the lungs of people sitting with a stoop remains inactive. This leads to diseases such as asthma, tuberculosis, and cough and also to an increase of bacteria in the lungs. One should always breathe through the nose and move one's hands forward and backward like a soldier, while walking. I f one adopts a simple life-style then there will be no cause at all to suffer the punishment for going against the norms of nature.